Thursday 5 November 2009


Today we had the first lecture in the set and it really got me thinking about stuff in society. I just want to start by saying what panopticism is and then give a couple of examples of it that ive seen today.

So panopticism is an induced self regulatory state of consiousness that is created by a hierarchical institute onto the masses. This state makes people aware of the fact they might be being watched and so feel that they have to behave in a certain way or they might get "punished". It's basically mind control.

This got me looking for examples of panoptic control in Leeds apart from the obvious cctv. I saw quite a good one on the bus home: signs saying dont eat and drink on the bus you will be fined if you do. This is to make the person think the bus driver will be aware of the fact you are drinking on the bus when really hes focusing on the road. It makes no difference to him.

Another thing the lecture got me thinking about is that it seems to me that nature itsself is almost panoptic in the respect that it makes all animals self regulate in the means of their habits. For example bees go from plant to plant for the nectar, they already know what colour and scent attracts them, but thats down to nature and it is done to help further the plant species. The bee is only a tool to the plants in order to keep them alive successfully. The concept of panopticism in that sense is just human beings mimicing nature in a strive to feel in control. It is quite an insecure procedure and structure the more I think about it.

So yeah, just a couple of interesting and relevant resources that will get you thinking

"They Live" A film by john carpenter done in 1988. The basic story is that a man finds a way to uncover these secret forms of control, and see through the bullshit so to speak, its an interesting watch, although the storline might not be that great I havent seen it all.

"The Omnivore's next dilemma" On youtube, a talk by the TED organisation where a man philosophises about how nature has us in its grip. It relates to the point I made earlier about mans panoptic habits mimicing nature.

Thanks for reading, just felt compelled to splurge.

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